
Siemens is a top global technological company, active on the Romanian market since 1905, when the “Societatea Romana de Electricitate Siemens-Schuckert Societate Anonima” was established. The company needed to organize the anniversary event to consolidate awareness and position of Siemens on Romanian market and mark the stability and successful evolution of the brand.

Perceptum solution
We have turned to the House of Parliament as the ideal location for this event and we have created an event space integrating the brand messages and providing ideal networking areas for the guests: corporate top management, Public Affairs representatives, Government, international guests.
We have created a 360 concept including copywriting, design and print. The hi-tech activations included key messages laser projections on the event hall walls.
At the end of the launch event, participants received creative brand storytelling giveaways.
A high number of invitees responded to the invitation and attended the event:
Out of them, the vast majority responded to the follow-up email that included a photo and video album of the event, appreciating the quality of the happening.