
Bitdefender, a Romanian internet security software company, represented through subsidiaries and partners in over 100 countries, needed a memorable launch event designed to reunite Bitdefender business partners and distributors, all familiar with the latest technologies and rather hard to impress. The event had to mirror the innovative approach of the company and capture audience with unique marketing tactics.
The participants gave the event a maximum satisfaction score (5 points on the attendee satisfaction survey form) and more than 70% responded to the post-event “Thank you” letter, appreciating the quality of the event. For Bitdefender it was a great opportunity to start new business partnerships and reactivate distributors.
points on the attendee satisfaction form
more than
responded to the post-event “thank you” letter
Perceptum solution
All the brand and product messages were presented on an extra-large led display monitor to make the information easy to assimilate and attractive. But to make it really memorable and spectacular, we used an internationally multi-awarded marketing tool: Gravity Lifter.
We placed Bitdefender’s logo on each of the Gravity Lifter displays that we used and placed them on the scene, where the speakers were presenting the properties and benefits of the launched product. The impact of the levitating logos was impressive and helped participants totally focus on the presentation that was being given on the scene.
The final act of the event was a highly appreciated concert by Amna, a famous Romanian singer. Music was another way of building trust, enhancing positive feelings and connect emotionally with the event as a whole.